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05 Sen Yue High Peak Coffee Estate (森悅高峰咖啡莊園)

Farm Story


Surrounded by mountains, Nantou is one of Taiwan’s core agricultural counties. However, its geographical characteristics, with mountainous terrain accounting for 83% of its area, make water issues more pressing compared to other counties. The Senyue Gaofeng Coffee Estate is located in this county, unique for not bordering the sea on any side. Estate owner Wu Zhenhong discovered this future coffee plantation site by chance.

Before signing the contract, Wu repeatedly asked the landowner about nearby water sources. After all, even the most promising land is useless without water. Fortunately, with the landowner’s help, Wu found a water source 800 meters away in the Wushe River. Even after immediately installing pipes and building a water tower, they couldn’t change the fact of water shortages during dry seasons. To grow coffee here, they needed to devise the most efficient irrigation methods possible.

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A friend suggested installing bird beak sprinklers, but after investigation, Wu found their efficiency was low. Less than 30% of the sprayed water was absorbed by coffee tree roots, with the rest wasted or evaporated. Bird beak sprinklers are more suitable for low-growing flowers or in areas with abundant water resources. After this failure, Wu tried “water belt” irrigation. Long water belts ran from the water tower, winding down past each coffee tree, with three small holes near each tree trunk for drainage. However, like tall buildings with different water pressures on different floors, the steep slopes caused problems. Upper slopes remained dry while lower areas flooded, resulting in the death of hundreds of coffee seedlings.

After two unsuccessful irrigation experiences, Wu began searching for new methods in 2014. His perseverance paid off when he found several drip irrigation equipment dealers in central Taiwan.

Drip irrigation is known for its water efficiency and precision. It reduces weed growth, keeps leaves dry, and allows for precise fertilizer application. It can be adjusted for different growth stages of coffee trees, efficiently delivering main elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, secondary elements like calcium and magnesium, and trace elements. However, drip irrigation requires high water quality and has high initial installation costs. Fortunately, the Council of Agriculture now provides subsidies for drip irrigation system installation, lowering the barrier for interested farmers.

Senyue Gaofeng’s drip irrigation system starts at the water tower, connects to a filter, and extends down the estate. Due to terrain variations of over ten meters, pressure-reducing valves are installed every 10 meters to maintain consistent water pressure. Branch pipes connect to drip irrigation hoses that wind past each coffee tree, with drip heads near each trunk. After evaluation, the estate chose drip heads that release 4 liters per hour. Following successful implementation, Wu became an expert consulted by other farmers.

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Visiting Senyue Gaofeng reveals a coffee estate hidden in the forest. Besides coffee trees, there are shiitake mushrooms grown on waste wood and green beans planted in alternating seasons with coffee. This diversity enhances the ecosystem and provides economic security. Wu has even planted maple, Wushe cherry, and Taiwan incense cedar trees, applying for afforestation to diversify the forest beyond just coffee. The estate is like an ecological park, with frequent sightings of wildlife such as black-winged cicadas, Moltrecht’s tree frogs, red-spot sawtooth butterflies, and even the protected Swinhoe’s pheasant.

“Please don’t use Google Maps for navigation, you’ll really get lost,” warns the estate’s Facebook page. To visit Senyue Gaofeng, one must walk a 2.5-kilometer forest trail. This journey is full of natural surprises, with rich biodiversity including plants like Phyllanthus, begonias, and irises, making it feel like a natural museum. This pristine, undeveloped environment provides ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. Surrounded by hundreds of hectares of forest, the coffee beans here develop a unique flavor nurtured by nature.

Walking this trail allows visitors to enjoy natural beauty and intimately connect with nature. Upon reaching the coffee estate, tasting a cup of coffee nurtured by this forest deepens one’s appreciation of the perfect harmony between nature and coffee. “Drink a sip of Senyue Gaofeng coffee, experience an entire forest” is the estate’s slogan. It may sound simple, but producing coffee at 1,450 meters above sea level is challenging. From conserving water to coexisting with the entire forest, the estate owner has spent years experimenting. However, for the owner, this is not just about producing great-tasting coffee, but about cultivating a sustainable terroir beauty that can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Farm Information

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gf1450/
Address: No. 56-1, Gaofeng Ln, Ren’ai Township, Nantou County
Cultivation Altitude: 1400-1500 meters
Estate Area: 4 hectares

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